Saturday, January 8, 2011

Today seemed to be just another day. I got up earlier then anyone ever wants to on a Saturday, got dressed and out the door to spend 14 long hours at work. When I got to work I did the same old ritual of forcibly saying hello to everyone, (Not that I don't like everyone at work but at 8am on a Saturday the last thing I care to do is say hello) clocking in knowing I have a long day ahead of me. As I go through my day I start thinking about all the things adults think about, bills, kids, all the worries we cycle through our head everyday. This started to put me in a bad mood. I decided I needed a break, a moment alone. I walked out on the back patio. I noticed it had been snowing as it had all day and payed no mind as usual. I stood there trying to silence my mind in hopes of gaining a better attitude for the long day ahead. It was not a success. As the wheels were turning, with no sign of stopping something lying on the railing caught my attention. A tiny tiny snowflake. Now, at 25 years old I should have seen and studied a snowflake at some point in my life right? Wrong. In this moment my mind became still and I realized I had never stopped to look. I have always seen snow as big white piles, not realizing they are made up of millions and billions of tiny tiny snowflakes. As I thought this through I suddenly felt like a child with such interest as I studied this amazing, nearly handcrafted beautiful snowflake. And in this moment my mind was still and it was just me and the snowflake. It seemed that many minutes had passed as I studied this little mystery. When the moment had passed I was left again with my deep, troubling thoughts.I learned something from this little experience. Life IS to short to worry or be sad ( I know easier said than done right?) It made me want to try harder to take my time as I go through my days and really appreciate ALL the things in my life no matter how tiny...